Liku Maria Takahashi

Liku Maria Takahashi
President, The World Diversity Art Society
President, Maris Art Project
Contemporary Artist
Member of the Japan Artists Association, Inc.
Member of the International Association of Art
Mar. 1993
Graduated from Tokyo Zokei University, with a major in Sculpture; studied under the supervision of Churyo Sato.
Studied at the Art Students League of New York, with a major in Painting, under the supervision of Charles B. Hinman in New York City, USA.
Studied naginata under Sadako Yoshida, former president of the All Japan Naginata Federation.
Won national school naginata championships.
Studied naginata under Takeko Mitamura, head of the Tendo-ryu school of naginata.
Made many contemporary art sculptures.
Apr. 2009
Conceived Maris, the world's first mode of expression for creating paintings accessible to everyone.
Completed invention of Maris, applied for patent on December 28.
Jan. 2010
Started the Maris Art Project and began producing works and exhibitions as the project’s leader.
Maris was listed in "A Chronological Survey of Work for the Blind" (edited by Fumio Obara).
Held a special lecture at Perkins School for the Blind in Boston, USA.
Published the "Maris World Standard Table©."
May. 20 - Apr. 15, 2011
Maris Art Project in NY: Exhibition in front of seven museums in New York City, USA.
May 13
Participated in the Times Warner art program “NoriVision – Creative Art and Culture TV” in New York City, USA.
Aug. 2012
Started the "Maris National Flag Project" tour of Japan.
Revised the "Maris World Standard Table©."
Nov. 6
Works put on permanent display at Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building.
Nov. 22-24
Held "A Brand-new World Day" exhibition in conjunction with the IBSA Blind Football World Championships 2014 in Tokyo, Japan.
Jul. 2015
Won second prize in the Supporting Group division of the 13th Onkyo International Braille Essay Contest.
Jan. 29, 2016
Founded the Japan Diversity Art Society (later renamed World Diversity Art Society) and became the society’s president.
Feb. 18
Visited Instituto Benjamin Constant school for the blind in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Mar. 3
Presented informational materials and paintings to Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles school for the blind in Paris, France.
Sep. 8-23
Held Maris exhibition and special class at Instituto Benjamin Constant in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during the 2016 Paralympics. The event was covered on TV Brasil’s evening news and in O Globo’s "Rio Show".
Nov. 7-10
Held Maris exhibition at the World Blind Union Officers and Committee Meetings in Tokyo, Japan.
Dec. 1-9, 2018
Maris exhibition in Hanoi was covered in two spots on Vietnam Television’s Hanoi News, as well as in a Japaneselanguage radio news program for Japanese expats, and in three online news articles.
Jan. 1, 2019
Changed the name of the Japan Diversity Art Society to the World Diversity Art Society and became the society’s president.
May 7,2019
Won a Gold Cup special award for Maris at the international invention competition Concours Lépine International Paris 2019 in Paris, France.
Oct. 18-27
Invited to the XIIth Florence Biennale: Marking the 500th Anniversary of da Vinci’s Death in Florence, Italy, as a Guest Artist of Honor, and awarded the Menzione Speciale del Presidente “Lorenzo Il Magnifico.”
Dec. 16
Gave speech at 11th International Forum of NGOs in Official Partnership with UNESCO: Challenging Inequalities in Paris France, becoming the first Japanese artist to speak at the forum as a representative of the International Association of Art
Feb. 21-22, 2020
Joined in centennial event of the Italian Union of the Blind and Partially Sighted in Sicily, Italy, as an invited artist.
Mar. 12
Visited association for the blind in Marrakesh, Morocco.
Received the City of Art Award at the London Art Biennale in London, UK.
Received the Chieri Textile Museum’s Navetta Arcobaleno Award in Chieri, Italy.
Received the Osten biennale of drawing Osten Award in Osten, North Macedonia
Dec. 16, 2023
Received the 17th Hokiichi Hanawa Award Contribution Award in Japan
solo exhibition
「Place Where an Angel Comes Down」Gallery SOL(Ginza / Tokyo)
「Choice 2045」Gallery Q(Ginza / Tokyo)
「A Throne of the Sun」Gallery Q(Ginza / Tokyo)
「Geocentricism」Gallery Q(Ginza / Tokyo)
「The EVA... Descend」Gallery Q(Ginza / Tokyo)
「FLOWERS Vol.1」41st street Health Care(N.Y / USA)
「FLOWERS Vol.2」Michi Gallery(N.Y / USA)
「Maris Art Project 1st exhibition」Japan Braille Library(Takadanobaba / Tokyo)
「Maris Art Project 2nd exhibition」41st street Health Care(N.Y / USA)
Nov. 22, 2010- Jun. 12, 2011
「The Cosmos with Nine Dragon」The Nihon Ki-in, THE GO HALL OF FAME AND MUSEUM(Ichigaya / Tokyo)
「Exhibition in front of seven museums」(N.Y / USA)
「Liku Maria Takahashi solo exhibition」Gallery Q(Ginza / Tokyo)
「The Cosmos with Nine Dragon」European Go Championship(Bordeaux / France)
「The Cosmos with Nine Dragon」permanent collection・Honinbo Shusaku Go Memorial Museum(Hiroshima / Japan)
Jan.15-Feb.4, 2012
「change the world」galerieH(Sangenchaya / Tokyo)
「Liku Maria Takahashi Maris exhibition -Let's connect the world as one with Maris-」Fureai ESP Shiogama (Shiogama / Miyagi / Japan)
「Liku Maria Takahashi exhibition」 Big-i International Communication Center for Persons with Disabilities(Sakai / Osaka / Japan)
Dec.6-7, 2013
「Evolved sand painting “Maris” exhibition」 Sakai Municipal Health and Welfare Plaza (Sakai / Osaka / Japan)
「Liku Maria Takahashi exhibition - It's warm like a rice ball! Connecting the Earth as one-」Fureai ESP Shiogama (Shiogama / Miyagi / Japan)
「Liku Maria Takahashi exhibition」TUNER GALLERY (Ekoda / Tokyo)
Jun.7-12, 2016
「Liku Maria Takahashi exhibition」SETAGAYA ART MUSEUM Resident Gallery A (Setagaya / Tokyo)
「Liku Maria Takahashi exhibition」instituto Benjamin Constant (Rio de Janeiro / Brazil)
Jul.1-9, 2017
「Liku Maria Takahashi exhibition」SHIOGAMA SUGIMURA JUN MUSEUM OF ART (Shiogama / Miyagi)
「Liku Maria Takahashi exhibition」The World Blind Union Officers and Committee Meetings (Nishiwaseda / Tokyo)
May.31 - Jun.21, 2018
「Liku Maria Takahashi exhibition」Petra Besruce Museum (Opava / Czech Republic)
「Liku Maria Takahashi exhibition」Sakura station (Hanoi / Vietnam)
「Liku Maria Takahashi exhibition」Ho Chi Minh City Fine Arts Museum (Ho chi Minh / Vietnam)
Apr.22-25, 2019
「Liku Maria Takahashi exhibition」AAA Paris (Paris / France)
「Liku Maria Takahashi exhibition」Embassy of Japan in the Czech Republic (Prague / Czech Republic)
「Liku Maria Takahashi exhibition」Galerie pôle’art13 (Paris / France)
Jul.17-20, 2021
「Liku Maria Takahashi exhibition」Chieri Textile Museum (Chieri / Italy)
Nov.27-Dec.6, 2023
「Liku Maria Takahashi exhibition morning glow of a snow field」Gallery Em (Shinjuku /Tokyo)
Apr.7-13, 2024
「Liku Maria Takahashi exhibition」Gallery Seira (Ginza / Tokyo)
Group Exhibition
「The Party」Gallery Q(Ginza / Tokyo)
「The Concentration」Gallery Q(Ginza / Tokyo)
Apr. 7, 2011
「Art for JAPAN A New York City Artists Benefit」Studio 57 Fine Arts(N.Y / USA)
Jun,1 - Jul.21, 2013
「BankART Artist in Residence OPEN STUDIO 2013」BankART Studio NYK(Yokohama / Japan)
Aug. 5-10, 2013
「Gallery Q・30th anniversary group exhibition Various Values」Gallery Q(Ginza / Tokyo)
Sep. 22, 2013
「change the world」「Flowers」「Judy Ⅱ」etc Rokko Art Museum(Mt.Rokko / Japan)
Apr. 1 - Jun. 29, 2015
「BankART Artist in Residence OPEN STUDIO 2015」BankART Studio NYK(Yokohama / Japan)
Maris National Flag Project
Jun.2, 2012
#1 Toyama, Japan
#2 Former Kosaka family residence (Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan)
#3 Tsukuba University of Technology (Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan)
#4 Toyama Art School (Toyama, Japan)
May.23, 2013
#5 Toyama Art School (Toyama, Japan)
#6 BankART Studio NYK (Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan)
#7 Fureai ESP Shiogama (Shiogama, Miyagi, Japan)
#8 Gallery Q (Ginza, Tokyo, Japan)
#9 BiG-i International Communication Center for Persons with Disabilities (Sakai, Osaka, Japan)
#10 Toyama Art School (Toyama, Japan)
#11 Sakai Municipal Health and Welfare Plaza (Sakai, Osaka, Japan)
#12 Lifestyle and Information Center for the Visually Impaired, Gifu (Gifu, Japan)
Jul.6-20, 2014
#13 Fureai ESP Shiogama (Shiogama, Miyagi, Japan)
#14 Tsukuba University of Technology (Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan)
#15 Maris exhibition “A Brand-new World Day” held in conjunction with IBSA Blind Football World Championships 2014 (Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan)
#16 International Association for the Visually Impaired (Tokyo, Japan)
Mar.30, 2015
#17 Etchu Sodo fair (Toyama, Japan)
Apr.1- Jun.29
#18 BankART Studio NYK (Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan)
#21 SHIOGAMA SUGIMURA JUN MUSEUM OF ART Shiogama Sugimura Jun Museum of Art / Fureai ESPsp Shiogama (Shiogama, Miyagi, Japan)
#22 Ecoda Universe 2015 / Turner Gallery (Ekoda, Tokyo, Japan)
Jun.7-12, 2016
#23 Setagaya Art Museum Citizens’ Galleries A (Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan)
#24 Instituto Benjamin Constant (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Jun.28, 2017
#25 Shiogama First Elementary School (Shiogama, Miyagi, Japan)
#26 Shiogama Sugimura Jun Museum of Art / Fureai ESP Shiogama (Shiogama, Miyagi, Japan)
#27 Sendai International Center (Sendai, Miyagi, Japan)
#28 Setagaya Municipal Tamazutsumi Elementary School (Setagaya, Japan)
#29 World Blind Union Officers and Committee Meetings (Waseda, Tokyo, Japan)
#30 Prague Congress Centre / Škola Jaroslava Ježka (Prague, Czech Republic)
May.31-Jun.21, 2018
#31 Knihovna Petra Bezruče v Opavě (Opava, Czech Republic)
#32 Sendai International Center (Sendai, Miyagi, Japan)
#33 Museo d’Arte Orientale (Turin, Italy)
#34 Shiogama First Elementary School (Shiogama, Miyagi, Japan)
#35 Sakura Station (Hanoi, Vietnam)
Feb.14-17, 2019
#36 Ho Chi Minh City Museum of Fine Arts (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
#37 AAA Paris (Paris, France)
#38 Paris International Concours Lépine (Paris, France)
#39 JICC, Embassy of Japan in the Czech Republic (Prague, Czech Republic)
#40 XIIth Florence Biennale: Marking the 500th Anniversary of da Vinci’s Death (Florence, Italy)
Feb.21-22, 2020
#41 Centennial event of Italian Union of the Blind and Partially Sighted (Sicily, Italy)
Jul.17-20, 2021
#42 Chieri Textile Museum (Chieri, Italy)
Mar.11, 2022
#43 Setagaya art school (Setagaya, Tokyo)
Oct.27-28, 2023
#44 The Yomiuri Institute of Technology (Tokyo)
#45 Gallery Em (Shinjuku,Tokyo)
May.22-23, 2024
#46 Setagaya art school (Setagaya, Tokyo)
World Blind Union Headquarters/ 「Logo」Maris expression
Kingdom of Bhutan His Majesty / 「morning」Maris expression「Maris National Flag (Bhutan)」Maris expression
Instituto Benjamin Constant ( Rio de Janeiro / Brazil)「How to see?」Maris expression
Kingdom of Bhutan His Majesty 「Energy of Galaxy」「Joining togathers」Maris expression
Participating 11countries in IBSA Blind Football World Championships 2014 ( France、Spain、Brazil、Paraguay、Morocco、Argentina、Turkey、China、Columbia、South Korea、Germany)Schools for the blind in each country「Maris National Flag」Maris expression
Perkins School for the Blind Museum(Boston / the U.S.)「What's the meaning of realization?」Maris expression
BOSTON CHILDREN'S MUSEUM(Boston / the U.S.)/ 「chocolate mint ice cream」Maris expression
Tokyo Metropolitan Government 「Tokyo flag・Tokyo symbol mark」「 Flowers “Circle Ⅱ」Maris expression
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology The University of Tokyo・Satoshi Fukushima Laboratory / 「Mint」Maris expression
Ishikawa Prefectural School for the Blind / 「Zebra」「school emblem」Maris expression
BiG-i International Communication Center for Persons with Disabilities 「logo」Maris expression
National council of the homes for the aged blind Japan /「logo」Maris expression
The Japan Braille Library(Tokyo)/ 「After Welcome Rain」Maris expression
Nippon lighthouse welfare center for the blind(Osaka)/ 「Mint」Maris expression
Osaka Prefectural Visual Support School / 「Mint」Maris expression
Tsukuba University of Technology (Tsukuba / Japan)
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Faculty of Fine Arts (Skopje / North Macedonia)
Human Computer Interaction, College of Science and Engineering, Kanto Gakuin University (Yokohama / Japan)